Money by itself surely cannot bring happiness.
“Look at your health, if you have it, praise God and value it next to the good conscience; for health is the second blessing we mortals are capable of, a blessing that money cannot buy.” -Izaak Walton. These are words of wisdom none would question their validity. The choice between money and health is a favourite topic people like to argue about, however the argument pointless as in the end, people will think that health is paramount compared to money. The twentienth century we are living in has been labeled in various ways – the age of affluence, the age of illusion, the age of atrocity and so on but the age of greed is perhaps as a good a label as any other. There is no denying the value of money and the pleasure of enjoying it, however there are basic issues involved. If money can be obtained only after a huge amount of sacrifice, is that worth it? Is it really necessary for human being to go on increasing their needs and temporary pleasures? Or would it be wiser to impose one’s needs? People get so busy in getting money that they forget how to enjoy it! Engaged in getting money, man has no time for his family or his friends and even for his health. On the other hand, the pursuit of money may threaten both his physical and spiritual health. Besides that, his desire for power and money may lead him to go astray hence the long-time enigma of how much evil is justified to get the good is solved Let’s take on an example, this example is actually one of the parables found in the Bible, it begins like this: Now a man came up to Jesus and asked. “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Then Jesus replied, “Do not murder, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honour your father and mother and love your neighbour as well as yourself.” “I have kept this since I was young!” said the man. Without any hesitation, Jesus said again “If you want to be perfect, sell your belongings and give them to the poor heard this, he went away sadly because he had great wealth. The figurative meaning of this parable is money is not the most important thing in the world and it can’t bring happiness by itself. In the story, the young man cannot let go of his wealth because he still has greediness in his blood which is one on the most deadly sins, therefore it is true to say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. If one has to choose, definitely health is better than wealth. A healthy person can look after not only himself but also others. In contrary, an ailing person is a drain on other. Well, he can buy medicines, pay a visit to a health resort or long hospitalization but it can neither buy health nor happiness. Ask a rich man who has been through along illness, will he be happy. He will answer “no” because he has been attacked by viruses which make him suffer each day. Money is the value of the man-made world-not of the world God created while happiness comes from the inner heart of human, for instance, the poor who lived in a small hut, eating sweet potatoes everyday with other family members maybe happier than a rich man who lives in a mansion, eating abalone’s but lives alone. In this case, the element which exist the happiness is love not money. In conclusion, money by itself surely never brings happiness to anyone. |
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